Continuing Legal Education
FDLI applies for CLE credits in Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. These CLE approvals may also be honored by other states; please check with your bar association for guidance. The CLE credits will be posted as they are granted and you can request to be notified when approval is received.
Pennsylvania: approved for 10.0 CLE credit hours
Ohio: approved for 10.0 CLE credit hours
Virginia: approved for 10.0 CLE credit hours
Illinois: approved for 10.0 CLE credit hours
Location and Overnight Accommodations
Conference Location
Renaissance Downtown Hotel
999 Ninth St NW
Washington, DC 20001
Overnight Accommodations
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Renaissance for conference attendees. Reservations can be made online. The group rate is $349/night. Reservations must be received by September 26, 2018 to receive the group rate. After this date, rooms will be subject to prevailing rates and availability.
Please contact the Conference Department with any accessibility requirements or dietary restrictions, or for other questions.