Tobacco and Nicotine Products Regulatory Science Symposium
October 28, 2025 In-Person & Virtual Event
Venue Sponsor
The Tobacco and Nicotine Products Regulatory Science Symposium provides a forum for diverse stakeholders to share scientific studies and research from a wide range of disciplines.
Presentations will focus on studies and research that are either conducted for or contribute to the U.S. regulatory process, which is established by the Tobacco Control Act and administered by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Tobacco Products (CTP). These presentations will be critiqued and discussed by expert panelists, and event attendees will also have the opportunity to engage in constructive dialogue with both presenters and panelists.
Please note the Symposium will focus on studies and research submitted to CTP to inform its decisions and encourage discourse on identifying, conducting, and communicating science inherent to a sound decision-making process. This event is not intended to be a forum to critique CTP decisions.
Sponsorship opportunities are available. Please let us know if you would like more information.
Scientific Advisors
Information to come.
The Call for Abstracts will be open through Monday, March 10. FDLI invites you to submit a proposal for the Tobacco and Nicotine Products Regulatory Science Symposium, taking place in-person in Washington, DC on Tuesday, October 28. All submissions should focus on a study or research—regardless of publication history or future intent—intended to inform U.S. regulation of tobacco and nicotine products, including but not limited to:
- Study submitted in support of a Premarket Tobacco Application (PMTA)
- Study submitted in support of a Modified Risk Tobacco Product (MRTP) Application
- Post-market research after receiving a PMTA or MRTP marketing granted order
- Behavioral study on tobacco or nicotine product use
- Epidemiological study on impact of tobacco or nicotine product use intention
Proposal Submission Guidelines
- Submissions must include a description of the study or research to be presented on, including any conclusion(s).
- Submissions must include an explanation of why the study or research is important to U.S. regulation of tobacco and nicotine products.
- If accepted, presenters will be required to use slides (.ppt format) that include appropriate descriptions and summaries of methodologies and findings, copies of which will be provided to attendees after the event. Additional written materials (e.g., journal article, survey data) are encouraged but not required.
- If accepted, the submitter must present a final draft of slides and additional written materials no later than Tuesday, October 14.
Submissions FAQ
- Q: Am I limited in the number of proposals I can submit?
A: Multiple submissions from the same person or organization are welcome; however, each proposal requires its own form.
- Q: How will my submission be reviewed?
A: Submissions will be reviewed by the Scientific Advisory Committee and assessed based on quality of the stated methods and timeliness and/or importance of the research topic to current tobacco and nicotine product regulation and policy.
- Q: Can I email you my submission?
A: All submissions must be received through the submission portal.
- Q: How will I know if my submission is accepted?
A: You will be notified of the status of your submission by April 22, 2025.
Submission Timeline
- March 10: Call for Proposals closes.
- April 22: Those who submitted proposals will be notified of their submission’s status.
- October 14: Slides and any additional written materials due.
- October 28: Date of Tobacco Science Symposium; presenters required to attend in-person.