2024 FDLI Annual Attendee Breakout Session Survey 2024 Annual Attendee Breakout SurveyPlease select which breakout session you are interested in attending, and which meals you plan to join us for. Please be assured your responses are not binding, and you are welcome to attend any breakout session or lunch. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Concurrent Breakout Sessions 1, May 15 2:00–3:00 PM ETDirector’s Update: Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)The Future is Now: Exploring Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) for Medical DevicesSurveying the Evolving Regulatory Landscape for Medical Device SterilizationDirector's Update: Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM)Food and Dietary Supplement Online Marketing: New Rules of theDirector’s Update: Center for Tobacco Products (CTP)Concurrent Breakout Sessions 2, May 15 3:10–4:10 PM ETDirector’s Update: Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)Lab Developed Tests (LDTs) are Now Explicitly FDA-Regulated Medical Devices: What Happens Next?Understanding the Complex World of Combination Product Regulation and ComplianceCosmetics Boot Camp: New Regulations and Litigation HazardsDirector’s Update: Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN)Stakeholder Reactions to CTP’s Strategic PlanConcurrent Breakout Sessions 3, May 15 4:20–5:20 PM ETDrug Pricing: Early Returns on the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and Potential Implications of Drug Importation from CanadaDirector’s Update: Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH)Modernizing Clinical Trials: Improving Diversity and Efficiency While Maintaining High StandardsAntimicrobial Resistance: The Intersection of Veterinary Medicine and Human Food SafetyProposed Changes to Food Labels: Assessing Efforts to Help Consumers Make Healthier ChoicesPremarket Tobacco Application (PMTA) Update: Implications of Recent Decisions and LitigationConcurrent Breakout Sessions 4, May 16 1:10–2:10 PM ETA Broad(er) Conversation on Cell and Gene TherapiesMedical Device Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs): Preparing for the Transition to ISO 13485Advertising and Promotion of Drugs and Devices: Impact and Implications of Increased EnforcementForecasting the Future of Federal Cannabis RegulationChemical Contaminants in the Food Supply: Evaluating Risks, New Regulations, and Increasing LitigationFederal Enforcement and the Alternative Nicotine Product MarketplaceConcurrent Breakout Sessions 5, May 16 2:20–3:20 PM ETCurrent Issues in Drug Development for Rare and Neurodegenerative DiseasesDigital Health as Preemptive Medicine: Analyzing Technology’s Promise for Disease PreventionThe State of Drug Compounding: Looking Back to Look ForwardPerspectives on Advancing the Risk Evaluation Mitigation Strategy (REMS) ProgramFederal and State Tensions on Food Ingredient and Additive SafetyState Regulation of Nicotine Products: Evaluating Flavor Bans and Registration ListsPlease Check Which Meals You Plan to Join Us forLunch Day 1, May 15Reception Day 1, May 15Lunch Day 2, May 16MessageSubmit maura.schatz2024-05-02T17:28:18-04:00