Current Developments in Digital Health Technology and Regulation Conference
January 31–February 1, 2024 | Virtual Event
Digital Health has become essential to improving patient care and provider efficiency, as well as promoting wellness. This field continues to evolve at a rapid pace, and this conference will focus on the latest developments including regulations at the state level and federal level. Topics for discussion include mobile health apps and tracking, health information technology, advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning, wearables, telemedicine, and other related medical software functions. Speakers will also discuss lessons learned from digital health cybersecurity, privacy breaches, and FDA’s continued efforts to establish regulatory frameworks.
Keynote Address
Deputy Director, Digital Health Center of Excellence, FDA
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Planning Committee
Committee Members
Nicholas Benetatos, Exponent, Inc.
M. Jason Brooke, Brooke & Associates
Charlene Cho, Johnson & Johnson
Kellie B. Combs, Ropes & Gray LLP
Mahnu Davar, Arnold & Porter LLP
Nidhi Gani, Archimedes Center for Medical Device Security,
Northeastern University
James Fraser, Thompson Hine LLP
Carmine Jabri, Emma International
Jeremiah Kelly, Venable LLP
Marian J. Lee, McKesson Corporation
Elizabeth Richards, Latham & Watkins LLP
Cassie Scherer, Medtronic
Sara Shanti, Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP
Lance L. Shea, Baker Hostetler
Eva Temkin, King & Spalding LLP
Stuart TenHoor, Stuart TenHoor Legal Search