In this second lunch and learn program, speakers will discuss the most important aspects of practicing drug law and what makes the drug industry unique. Panelists will answer key questions about the industry, such as: What makes FDA regulation of drugs different from other industries? What challenges are impacting the drug industry? When can a drug be regulated as more than one type of product, such as a cosmetic or device? Panelists will further explain how to get started in the practice of drug law and discuss recent important hot topics.
Carla Cartwright, Senior Director, Global Digital and Regulatory Policy, Johnson & Johnson and Member, FDLI Board of Directors
David M. Fox, Partner, Hogan Lovells US LLP
Moderated by Matthew Piscitelli, Associate, DLA Piper LLP (US)
October 25, 2022
12:00–1:00 PM ET
This program is limited to FDLI members who are a part of the New to Food and Drug Law Group (NFDL), and student members. Registration expires on October 23.
New to Food and Drug Law Group
NFDL offers young professionals with up to six years of experience an opportunity to connect, learn from their peers, and enhance their skills. Individuals affiliated with member organizations, those employed by the government, and law students are encouraged to participate.
Click here to visit the Lunch and Learn Series homepage.