Tuesday, December 8
11:15 – 11:30 AM
FDLI Welcome and Introduction
Amy Comstock Rick, President & CEO, FDLI
11:30 AM –12:00 PM
Fireside Chat with FDA
Joseph Franklin, Policy Director for the Principal Deputy Commissioner, FDA
Interviewed by Suzie Loonam Trigg, Partner, Haynes and Boone LLP
12:15–1:15 PM
Federal/State Election Impacts and Legislative Initiatives for Marijuana and CBD Regulation
William A. Garvin, Shareholder, Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC
Jonathan A. Havens, Partner, Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP
Justin Strekal, Political Director, National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws – NORML
Moderated by Paul Demko, Cannabis Editor, Politico
1:15–1:45 PM
Lunch Break
1:45–2:30 PM
CBD Regulatory Updates
Douglas MacKay, SVP, Scientific and Regulatory Affairs, CV Sciences
Brian J. Malkin, Partner, McDermott Will & Emery
Christopher Van Gundy, Partner, Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP
2:45–3:45 PM
Navigating Drug Preclusion Gaps for Food and Dietary Supplements Containing CBD and Other Cannabinoids
Brad Douglass, Independent Consultant, EAS Consulting Group
Jensen Jose, Regulatory Counsel, Center for Science in the Public Interest
Megan L. Olsen, VP & Associate General Counsel, Council for Responsible Nutrition
Moderated by Robert Durkin, Of Counsel, Arnall Golden Gregory LLP
4:00–5:00 PM
U.S. DOJ, DEA, and FTC Approaches to Marijuana and CBD Regulation and Enforcement
John Claud, Assistant Director, Consumer Protection Branch, US Department of Justice
Richard Cleland, Assistant Director, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Division of Advertising Practices, Federal Trade Commission
Larry K. Houck, Director, Hyman, Phelps & McNamara, PC
Moderated by Tom Firestone, Partner, Baker McKenzie
Wednesday, December 9
10:30–10:50 AM
Connect with FDLI: Learn More About FDLI Membership and Engagement
Wondering how to take full advantage of your FDLI membership or how to speak at an FDLI event? Stop by to get those, and any other questions, answered by the FDLI membership team prior to the start of the formal program. Attendees are encouraged to join at any time throughout the 20 minute session, as there is no set agenda.
11:00 – 11:15 AM
FDLI Welcome and Introduction
Laura A. Brown, Director, Educational Programs, FDLI
11:10 AM –12:10 PM
Regulatory and Practical Research Limitations and Solutions for Cannabis-Derived Products
Deborah Miran, Consultant, DMiran Consulting
Heike Newman, Senior Regulatory Manager, University of Colorado
Evelina Norwinski, Partner, Arnold & Porter LLP
12:10–12:40 PM
Lunch Break
12:40–1:40 PM
To IND or Not IND: That is the Question for CBD and Marijuana Products
Rodney William Butt, Senior Vice President – Strategic Solutions, Nutrasource Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical Services
Kelly Fair, US General Counsel, VP US & European Affairs, Canopy Growth Corporation
Alice P. Mead, Senior Advisor, Greenwich Biosciences
Moderated by Tish E. Pahl, Partner, Olsson Frank Weeda Terman Matz PC
1:55–2:25 PM
Concurrent Breakout Sessions
- Managing Biomass and Biowaste from the Hemp and Cannabis Industries
Keith Matthews, Of Counsel, Wiley LLP
Stephanie McGraw, Partner, Shook, Hardy & Bacon LLP
- State Quality Issues for Marijuana and CBD
Tara Lin Couch, Senior Director for Dietary Supplement and Tobacco Services, EAS Consulting Group
Andrew Freedman, Director of Cannabis Coordination, State of Colorado (former), Senior Vice President, Forbes Tate Partners
Darwin Millard, Member, ASTM International Technical Committee D37 on Cannabis, and owner, TSOC LLC
2:40–3:20 PM
The Patchwork Quilt of State Hemp Laws
Mai T. Dinh, Assistant General Counsel, Marketing, Regulatory, and Food Safety Programs, Division Office of the General Counsel, USDA
Daniel R. Dwyer, Partner, Kleinfeld, Kaplan & Becker, LLP
Steven N. Levine, Partner, Husch Blackwell LLP
3:35–4:20 PM
International Cannabis Regulation and Market Opportunities
Michael Krawitz, Executive Director, Veterans for Medical Cannabis Access, Serving as a Civil Society Focal Point, World Health Organization, Expert Committee on Drug Dependance, Cannabis Critical Review Process
Eileen M. McMahon, Senior Partner, Torys LLP
4:20 PM
Closing Remarks and Adjournment