Join a diverse group of stakeholders—public health advocates, researchers, manufacturers, lawyers, consumer interest groups, entrepreneurs, governmental agencies and others—for this two-day conference on effectively regulating the broad spectrum of tobacco and nicotine products in the U.S. and globally. Hear from FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products Director, Mitch Zeller, to learn about the latest updates on regulations, guidance documents, and other initiatives. The conference will also include a number of timely tobacco and nicotine issues that will allow for interactive dialogues between the panelists and attendees.
Keynote Address: Mitchell R. Zeller, Director, Center for Tobacco Products (CTP), FDA
Luncheon Address: Tom Miller, Iowa Attorney General
A Conversation with David A. Kessler on the Future of Youth e-Cigarette Use and Regulation:
David A. Kessler, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Center for Science in the Public Interest, and former FDA Commissioner
Call For Proposals
FDLI and the Conference Planning Committee thanks those who participated in the Call for Proposals. The input received from industry stakeholders helps us plan a timely program. If you submitted a proposal, you will be notified of the status of your proposal in July.
Are You New to Tobacco and Nicotine?
Add the training course, Introduction to Tobacco and Nicotine Law and Regulation, to your conference registration and save $100 off the combined fees.
Sponsorship opportunities are available. Please let us know if you would like more information.
Planning Committee
*Denotes members of the Public Health Sub-Committee
David Abrams, New York University
Scott D. Ballin, Health Policy Consultant
James Baumberger, American Academy of Pediatrics*
Don Ray Becker, Turning Point Brands, Inc.
Aruni Bhatnagar, University of Louisville and American Heart Association*
Tara Lin Couch, EAS Consulting Group, LLC
Cliff Douglas, American Cancer Society, Inc*
Carole B. Folmar, ITG Brands
Stacey Gagosian, Truth Initiative | Co-Chair, Public Health Sub-Committee*
Robyn Gougelet, Pinney Associates, Inc
Ashley Gould, JUUL Labs
Bryan M. Haynes, Troutman Sanders LLP
Dennis Henigan, Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids | Co-Chair, Public Health Sub-Committee*
Desmond Jenson, Tobacco Control Legal Consortium at the Public Health Law Center*
Eshael M. Johnson, FDA – CTP
Eric N. Lindblom, O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law, Georgetown Law
Jack Marshall, Altria Client Services LLC
Elizabeth Oestreich, Greenleaf Health, Inc.
Barry Schaevitz, Fox Rothschild LLP
Valerie B. Solomon, RAI Services Company