There are both positive and negative developments regarding the likelihood of widespread legal sales of CBD oil products. Recently, a major retailer announced that it will begin selling cannabidiol (CBD) creams and salves in eight states. As a reminder, federal law now permits hemp production under the 2018 Farm Bill if the product contains less than 0.3 percent THC. The substance is still subject to a hodgepodge of regulation at the state level. Come hear more about the regulations surrounding the ever-growing area of interest for CBD.
This program is limited to those who are a part of NFDL. This complimentary program includes a light lunch. Please register by August 23 to reserve your spot.
New to Food and Drug Law Group
The New to Food and Drug Law Group (NFDL) offers young professionals with up to six years of experience an opportunity to connect, learn from their peers, and enhance their skills. Individuals affiliated with member organizations, those employed by the government, and law students are encouraged to participate.
For questions, please contact Paige Samson.