In April, FDA issued a white paper announcing steps to consider a new regulatory framework to promote the development of safe and effective medical devices that use advanced artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms. We’ll discuss how FDA’s proposed approach would allow modifications to algorithms to be made from real-world learning and adaptation that accommodates the iterative nature of AI products while ensuring that FDA’s standards for safety and effectiveness are maintained.
This program is limited to those who are a part of NFDL. This complimentary program includes a light lunch. Please register by July 29 to reserve your spot.
New to Food and Drug Law Group
The New to Food and Drug Law Group (NFDL) offers young professionals with up to six years of experience an opportunity to connect, learn from their peers, and enhance their skills. Individuals affiliated with member organizations, those employed by the government, and law students are encouraged to participate.
For questions, please contact Paige Samson.
McDermott Will & Emery LLP
The McDermott Building
500 North Capitol Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Program Host