FDLI Commitment to Diversity & Inclusion

FDLI Policy for Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

As a membership organization, FDLI is committed to supporting, promoting, and celebrating diversity, equity and inclusion in the food and drug law profession. In order to fulfill this key aspect of our mission and core values as an organization, the FDLI Board of Directors affirms that all members and professionals within the field, whatever their race, religion, ethnicity, gender, gender identity or expression, national origin, genetics, age, sexual orientation, or disability, are valued, respected, and included in our community. We seek to address inequities not only within FDLI’s organizational positions, including member committee leadership/membership, speaking and author roles, and staff, but also in the pipeline of emerging food and drug law professionals in our work with graduate schools, law schools, and students.

Adopted by the FDLI Board of Directors, Sept. 9, 2020.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Committee
Ben Butz (Staff Liaison), FDLI
Elizabeth Anderson, FDA – CFSAN
Oluwaseun (Kemi) Asante, FDA – CDER
Daniel A. Kracov, Arnold & Porter LLP
Chadli Pittman, Ropes & Gray LLP
Sarah Thompson Schick, Reed Smith LLP
John (Barr) Weiner, FDA – OC